Despite its compact size, Waves+ delivers impressive performance. The unit will effectively remove polluted air even with longer ductwork. Moreover, Waves+ continuously monitors the air and reacts when needed. Specifically, if you take a shower, the fan will work harder to remove the damp indoor air. Moisture problems solved!
Ditto for odours from the toilet, deo, cooking or baking. This, thanks to the built-in RH and VOC sensors.
It calibrates itself very easily via the app: it measures the pressure drop in the pipe system and adjusts the speed automatically to achieve the right flow rate. Your installation is thus immediately compliant too. Moreover, operation can be personalised via the app.
Product advantages
- Demand-driven ventilation
- Aesthetic integration
- Energy-efficient fan
- Minimal pressure loss due to the fine damper blade
- Quick and simple installation
- Retrofit possible
Technical specifications
Connection diameter
100 , Ø 125
Air quality detection sensors
H 2 O sensor , VOC sensor
Building type
Apartment , Hospital , Office , Residential , School , Veranda
Concept type
New construction/Large renovation project , Project , Small renovation project