Topfix (VMS) Installer

Submit your contacts (multiple courses possible) and our local training team will get in touch with you to inform on the next available dates.
RENSON Academy
Grote Leiestraat 207
8570 Anzegem

Target audience

Technical team / installer


Topfix Max
Topfix VMS

What do you learn in this practical training?

  • You will discover our standard solutions for horizontal roller blinds which are Topfix and Topfix Max and Topfix VMS, specifically for a Velux modular Skylights (VMS)
  • You will have insight in how to correctly measure a Topfix, Topfix Max and a Topfix VMS
  • You will have insight into the on-site preparation for a Topfix (VMS) and Topfix Max
  • You will have insight in how to secure Topfix and Topfix Max on a window profile
  • You will understand how to correctly secure a Topfix VMS on a Velux modular Skylight (VMS)
  • You will assemble a Topfix and a Topfix Max yourself
  • You will assemble a Topfix VMS on a Velux modular Skylight (VMS) yourself
  • You have insight in the most important points of attention for the adjustment of a RENSON 24 Volt motor in case of a Topfix VMS
  • You know the maintenance instructions for a Topfix, Topfix VMS and Topfix Max

Required knowledge:

Yes, endpoint adjustement of a radio controled motor


If you are unable to participate due to circumstances, please inform us as soon as possible. That way we can still admit other persons.

We reserve the right to cancel the training one week before the planned date if there are less than 5 participants registered. You will then automatically receive an invitation for the next planned date.

Maximum number of participants

To get the maximum result from the training, we deliberately limit the number of participants. The registrations are processed chronologically.